Vote Yes on Proposition 1

I am writing to encourage the residents of Arlington, Oso and Darrington to join me in voting yes for EMS Proposition 1. This is not a new tax; it is a replacement for the expiring levy.

I am writing to encourage the residents of Arlington, Oso and Darrington to join me in voting yes for EMS Proposition 1. This is not a new tax; it is a replacement for the expiring levy. Why vote to tax ourselves? The reason is that EMS, unlike fire services are only funded by levies and transport fees. The county and the cities do not fund EMS services. A vote no is a vote to eliminate these critical services.

When an aging relative recently collapsed in her apartment, it was the local medics that came to her rescue. Without EMS services, who would have responded and rushed her to the hospital in her time of need? I can’t imagine that there is a single reader of this newspaper who does not know at least one person who has used EMS services. These emergency services are critical for all, since one never knows who will need them next, a neighbor, a loved one or you.

Sid Logan
