ARLINGTON — Sue Schultz and her fifth-grade music students at Pioneer Elementary School presented a very special program in honor of Martin Luther King Day.
On the evening of Jan. 29 they performed “Oh Freedom,” a musical presentation created by Judy Teicher Brach, a friend of Schultz’s who works with the Edmonds School District.
“This is the second time that I have worked with my students to present this show,” said Schultz, who has been teaching music at the school for five years.
“It’s a good time of year to put on a performance,” Schultz said, adding she first presented the program three years ago. She said she presents the show as the mood strikes her.
“It also depends on having a fabulous group of performers,” Schultz said, noting that she has been working with these students since first-grade and was confident they could do it.
Jordon Smith had the honor of reading a portion of Martin Luther King’s famous speech, “I Had a Dream,” along with Aidan Little. Smith said he was nervous at first, but then got used to being up on stage.
The most important thing that he learned from the project: “No segregation,” Smith said. His father, Darrin Smith said he was pleased to see his son up on the stage.
“I was impressed by how serious Jordon took his part,” Darrin Smith said.
Another young man, Colton Herndon, too, said he was nervous at first.
“But then it felt good,” Herndon said, adding he was surprised to learn that he could sing.
Reille Jones studied and learned a Langston Hughes poem and she prepared to sing another solo, “Keep your eyes on the prize,” and then she was recruited at the last minute to read the part of Rosa Parks.
“The solo was the scarey part,” Jones said. “But then it felt good afterward. I just learned the Rosa Parks part today,” she said after the show.
The program is comprised of some traditional spiritual songs with music improvised by Schultz.
Songs included “Oh Freedom,” and “Keep your eyes on the prize,” among others.