Local teen shows slick hands with card tricks

MARYSVILLE – Jackson Lundquist has been doing card tricks for six years.

So visitors at the Marysville Tulalip Chamber of Commerce Carnival Saturday afternoon were pretty impressed by the Smokey Point 13-year-old.

Jackson volunteered for the chamber event because he likes performing for people. “I love to talk to random people,” he said. “I enjoy establishing that connection in a short time.” He wandered around the carnival performing for people waiting in line to buy tickets or go on rides. He even picked up a tip or two.

Jackson’s slick hands brought smiles to many carnival goers. He enjoyed it so much he’s going to try to talk some of his magician friends to perform at the event next year. He and others meet at Shawn O’Donnell’s Restaurant in Everett once a month to practice their crafts. Jackson became interested in magic in general when he was 6. He bought a big package of Las Vegas-legend Chris Angell tricks. “That piqued my interest,” he said, adding he likes being “close up with cards” more than performing on stage.

Local teen shows slick hands with card tricks
Local teen shows slick hands with card tricks
Local teen shows slick hands with card tricks