Snohomish County officials urge commuters to use caution on local roads

With many Snohomish County roads closed to flooding, morning commuters are urged to take precautions when traveling to work.

With many Snohomish County roads closed to flooding, morning commuters are urged to take precautions when traveling to work.

Record flooding along the Stillaguamish River and its branches impacted roads in Granite Falls, Arlington and Stanwood, and while waters there are beginning to recede upstream, some roads will remain closed until debris can be removed or bridges inspected for damage.

“Residents still need to take precautions initially following flooding,” said Snohomish County Executive Aaron Reardon. “They are encouraged to check county and state websites to check for road closures.”

Residents should stay away from rising waters and not drive through areas of flowing or standing water or around road closure barriers. Urban flooding also could leave standing water on roads during Monday morning’s commute. Residents should be careful on roads.

Reardon issued an emergency declaration Sunday afternoon to respond to flooding throughout the area. The emergency declaration frees up county resources for quicker response to flooding impacts and helps the county document damages for federal reporting. Record flood levels on parts of the Stillaguamish River, as well as concerns on the Snohomish and Skykomish rivers, led to the signing.

As rivers recede, residents are asked to assess any damage their property may have incurred and to report it to the Snohomish County Department of Management by calling 425-388-5088. DEM will be collecting totals and sending them to state and federal emergency management agencies.

DEM will continue to coordinate resources to protect public safety and property from flood damage. Residents in low-lying and flood prone areas along the Snohomish River and at the Stillaguamish River at Stanwood are being urged to monitor river levels closely.

Specific information for local rivers is below:

*South Fork of the Stillaguamish River at Granite Falls crested at 18.43 feet and possibly higher near 4 p.m. and is currently at 13.76 feet.

*North Fork of the Stillaguamish River at Arlington appears to have crested at 15.56 feet near 4 p.m. setting a new record and is currently at 15.19 feet.

*Stillaguamish River at Arlington crested at 20.60 feet at approximately midnight on Dec. 12.

Most rivers will drop below flood stages by Monday evening, except for the Snohomish River at Snohomish, which could remain above flood stage until Tuesday evening or early Wednesday.

For a list of road closures, go to Snohomish County’s Emergency Road Closure Information website.