10 Years Ago 1997
Imagine a medic who can fix your broken leg and save the kitty stuck in the tree you fell from. The day may soon be approaching when our local medics will be trained firefighters as well. Thats because a Memorandum of Understanding was struck Monday night between the city of Arlington and Cascade Valley Hospital. The agreement, though not a final one, between the two sets in motion the final process for the city to provide ambulance service under a contract with the hospital district. If the agreement is finalized, EMS employees will be integrated with the citys fire services and will become city employees. The premises the city and district are operating under are: The city of Arlington will operate the EMS service under an interlocal with the District. The city, through the interlocal agreement, would provide EMS service to the area within the Hospital District, The city and district will work closely to ensure that adequate service levels will be provided within the financial constraints of actual revenues generated, All EMS equipment and supplies will become owned by the city, personnel who are currently employed by the district will become city firefighters/paramedics or firefighter EMTs, both jurisdictions will continue to work closely to assure the long-term stability and quality of the EMS service. The citys decision was made easier by a clause in the agreement stating, During the transition period, the city and district can mutually agree to suspend discussions if economic conditions cannot produce a stable operation. In other words, both sides have the option of backing out if their needs arent satisfied. According to City Administrator Thom Myers, revenues are the driving force behind the union. From three separate evaluations completed by the city and the hospital district, they were able to summate the interlocal would give the city an estimated revenue increase of about 25 percent. An area that may pose a problem is making the transition a smooth one for EMS employees. Under the agreement, the city requires all EMS service personnel to be firefighters as well; meaning they will be subject to training requirements and application procedures as firefighters. The city will give EMS employees a six-month probationary period, in which time they can prepare themselves to meet all firefighter requirements. Also, salaries have proven to be something the city and the EMS employees are struggling with. No final numbers have been discussed yet, but obviously a cut in pay to work for the city wouldnt sit well with EMS personnel, Especially considering the new city employees would also be trained firefighters in addition to being trained EMTs and paramedics. Another issue the city will need to consider when negotiating salary with the EMS employees will be the recent firefighters union and contract re-negotiation when negotiating salary with the EMS employees will be the recent firefighters union and contract re-negotiation the City Council approved in May. The Council approved a firefighters union and a pay raise in a Council meeting last month. These decisions give EMS personnel serious bargaining ammunition when it comes time to play hardball. Myers plans to make the negotiations as smooth as possible. It has to be an economically viable transition that makes sense to both parties, he said. Details like this are reason the MOU needed to be approved as early as possible. The city and district have been discussing the possible union for two years. According to Myers, they are looking at a transition date of either Aug. 1 or Sept. 1, and need this time to iron out the wrinkles. We need to finalize it now so to make the necessary arrangements, he said.
25 Years Ago 1982
Theres a new face and a new director at the Stillaguamish Senior Center. Margaret Bruland of Marysville started her new job last week. Bruland is the former Community Education Manager for the Marysville School District, where she was responsible for developing, staffing and supervising the community education program. Among other projects, she developed and ran a senior citizen luncheon and speaker program in Marysville. Her main responsibilities consisted of initiating and supervising the districts community and adult education program. Over 3,000 were involved annually in that program. A major portion of her previous position involved fundraising, a talent she intends to apply to her new job. I was ready for a change, she said. And Ive always admired the center. Its too early to state what my plans are for the center, until I get a feel for what the people here want. Its up to the seniors here to set their priorities and then it will be up to me to implement those programs. Finances and programming are my greatest strengths and those two needs are the most important here. Bruland and her husband, Bob, an engineer with the State Highway Department, live near Sunnyside in Marysville. Their son, Norman, attends Western and daughter, Bonnie, is going to EvCC.
50 Years Ago 1957
At the regular June meeting of the school board, approval was given for the contracting of two teachers. Isabel Hawley was hired to replace Joy Rathbun, who is leaving to take up advanced studies at the University of Montana. Mrs. Hawley formerly taught shorthand and typing in the Arlington High School. Gary Kohlwes, who will teach algebra and chemistry, is a graduate of Western Washington College of Education. Mr. Kohlwes is a former star athlete from Langley High School and will coach ninth-grade sports here. The final portion of the Junior High building contacts were accepted and payment to contractors authorized. A years guarantee remains on the workmanship and materials of the building. A discussion by the school board directors of a recent Attorney Generals opinion regarding school bus usage resulted in liberalizing local restrictions so that bands and marching units can be transported to community festival parades wherever they are authorized to participate. Mr. Terjeson was authorized to prepare specifications and publish notices for bids on certain supplies, on liability insurance, on the sale of the Boyden house, and for fuel oil for the Junior and Senior high schools. Bids are to be in the office of the clerk not later than June 28. The board also authorized a street improvement in front of the grade school. This area has been rather bad for loading children since no effective drainage is present. This project, in cooperation with the city, will provide a strip of blacktopping along the French Street loading zone. Bids were opened and studied of supplying temperature controls on the radiators in the high school. This project includes valves and return traps which are needing to be replaced after 20 years use. The low bid of $5,544.90 by Minneapolis-Honeywell was accepted. Bids by Johnson Service Company and Callahan Plumbing and Heating were also received.
This week in history – from The Arlington Times archives
10 Years Ago 1997