Neunzig to teach at EDCC

Linda Neunzig of Ninety Farms in Arlington will be teaching a new class at Edmonds Community College starting in January.

Neunzig will teach Small Farm Management, or Horticulture 255, on Wednesdays, from 6 to 8:50 p.m., Jan. 13 through March 10.

“Due to her success, she’ll be sharing her innovative marketing techniques to help other small farmers,” said Michele Graves, public information officer for the college.

The last day to register for the three-credit class in Jan. 15. Cost will be $241.80 plus admission and student fees.

Other upcoming winter classes include Introduction to Sustainable Development (Geography 150, five credits), QuickBooks for Beginners (Accounting 155, three credits), E-Marketing (Business Management 240, five credits), Date Warehousing Fundamentals (Computer Information Systems 256, five credits).

For a list of admission and student fees, visit

To register for classes, go to or call 425-640-1459.

Ninety Farms is located at 22912 67th Avenue NE, and can be reached at 360-435-9304.