Pacific Learning Center students describe Olympic Avenue project

ARLINGTON Students at Pacific Learning Center, on Division Street at the north end of Olympic Avenue, are taking advantage of a learning opportunity in language arts by writing their perceptions of the street renovation, which is occurring right outside their schools windows.

ARLINGTON Students at Pacific Learning Center, on Division Street at the north end of Olympic Avenue, are taking advantage of a learning opportunity in language arts by writing their perceptions of the street renovation, which is occurring right outside their schools windows.
School director Nola Smith said her students are all very excited about the project and are enjoying watching the progress. Its been fine, since that first week when Division Street was closed. The school is located adjacent to the alley and the Centennial Trail along Division Street.

Written comments from the kids:

The construction workers are leveling the road so people dont scratch their car doors up.
Jesse Donnelson

I could feel the vibrations and I think that the road will look good.
Abigail Brovan

I think they are putting pipes in the road for water.
Jaclyn Swartz

Those machines are like robots attacking the world.
Spencer Fosse

Those machines are very noisy but I think when they are done the road will be nicer.
Danck Fernando
P.S. My teacher is Mrs. Patti.

I think the construction is cool. I like how they help fix roads and make them pretty so cars can drive safely.
Kennedy Speed

The construction will be loud and noisy until its finished but it will look beautiful because the road will be smooth and will look new.
Shelby Speed

It is too loud and noisy in town during the day because machines are loud but it will make the road and sidewalks a lot smoother for people and cars. The road will no longer be tilted and car doors wont drag on the sidewalk.
Jonathan Olson

My favorite machine is a bulldozer because they fix the road to make the world a better place.
Olivia Treppens

I think it would be nice to improve the roads because Arlington should look nice even though its small.
Jagbir Singh