Thank you, thank you, to the many businesses in the Smokey Point, Arlington, Marysville and Everett areas who so generously donated cash, prizes and merchandise for the Lakewood Class of 2008 Graduation Night Party.
Each year, parents of the graduating class band together to help provide a chaperoned, positive, enjoyable, alcohol and drug-free event as an alternative to the tradition of making high school graduation an occasion for drinking and driving. The expense of the facility, transportation, activities, food, beverages and prizes are overwhelming and without financial support many students would not have been able to attend this once-in-a-lifetime event.
Local merchants stepped forward and showed that the safety of our young people is important to this community. Thank you for opening your hearts and your wallets and helping to provide a safe and memorable night for our grads. Your generosity has not gone unnoticed.
Kathy Christiansen, Chair