Thanks for helping Toys for Kids | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

I would like to thank everyone who helped American Legion Post 76 Toys For Kids raise money throughout the year to help purchase Christmas gifts for the less fortunate children in the Arlington area.

I would like to thank everyone who helped American Legion Post 76 Toys For Kids raise money throughout the year to help purchase Christmas gifts for the less fortunate children in the Arlington area.

During the year, TFK has many fundraisers and the Legion members and community really come together to ensure we have enough funds to purchase Christmas gifts for the kids. This year we spent $15,400 on gifts for 537 kids. We appreciate all the donations and the long volunteer hours put in during the course of the year.

I would like to thank Marysville K-Mart store manager, Dave Blumenstein, and his cashiers, Evelyn, Nancie, Alyssa and Mickail for  a wonderful job of checking and stocking; Boy Scout Pack 92 for helping us get all the gifts upstairs; Brooster’s Restaurant for saving our shopping day breakfast reservations even though we were late and Sara Katanik, Arlington Food Bank.  Thanks to Arlington Hardware, Afton Chapter OES, VWF Auxiliary and Cathy Marquez for their generous donations. Thanks to Ken and Arlene Casperson for bringing their trailer and hauling all the gifts back to the legion, to Andrew and John Pederson for pushing all the carts and helping to fill the trailer, and to Lloyd Ledbetter and Marv Jackson for helping us shop. Thanks go out to Post 76, Squadron 76 and Auxiliary Unit 76 for their generous donations. Thanks to all Post 76 members and their guests who helped us throughout the year. Last but not least, the wonderful and hard working TFKs Committee, Bill Lloyd, Judy Claxton, Beverly (Beaver) Mundale, Bobbie Granberg, Jo Savage-Wilson, Etta Melhart, Connie Sullivan, Coreen Trueblood, Laveta Brask, Janet West and Debbie Jackson.

Thank you for your dedication, hard work and many volunteer hours.

Barb Lloyd

TFK Chairperson
