As a resident of the city of Arlington, I take great comfort in the emergency medical services provided by our Fire Department EMTs and Paramedics. I’ve seen first hand the life-saving aspect of this service when a loved one experienced a medical emergency.
As a taxpayer I like knowing where my money is going and how it’s being used. That is why I support Arlington’s Proposition 1 to renew the Emergency Medical Services levy and provide medic service 24/7. With an EMS levy, the state statute guarantees that every penny is going toward Emergency Medical Services.
The need for Emergency Medical Services in our community is not going away; the levy funding will cover the cost of conducting day to day operations, it will provide for maintenance of existing equipment, and allow us to stay current with technologies. Vote Yes on Prop 1 to continue to provide ongoing funding to ensure 24 hour Emergency Medical Services for families and businesses in our community.
Barbara Tolbert