SMOKEY POINT — When Anthony and Kimberley Pellegrini opened Smokey Point Licensing Nov. 18, they already had plans to set themselves apart from other licensing subagencies.
“Of course, we cover tabs, titles and tonnage,” Anthony said of the subagency, that offers Department of Licensing vehicle and vessel title and licensing services in Suite F at 3411 169th Place NE in Arlington. “But people can also come to us for fishing and hunting licenses, as well as pet licenses and even marriage licenses. Licensing subagencies don’t generally offer the full gamut of licensing services, but we do.”
Although Snohomish County includes 17 licensing subagencies, the Pellegrinis saw a gap in those services in Marysville and Arlington, where they’ve lived for seven years and attended church for 35 years.
“I was born and raised in the area, and he’s lived here since he was 2,” Kimberley said. “When we discovered the county was looking to open a new office here in Smokey Point, we were thrilled at the idea of being able to serve our neighbors in the community we live in.”
To help facilitate that service, Kimberley offered some tips for customers, who should always bring their IDs and know what types of services they want before they come in.
“You can’t purchase tabs or titles for someone else unless you’re a relative or you have written and signed permission,” Kimberley said. “There’s often confusion about whether people need to get their emissions tests done before they come into our office, but you can call ahead to check.”
Kimberley acknowledged that some services require additional paperwork, but pledged that they would do their best to help solve those problems.
Smokey Point Licensing is open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mondays through Wednesdays and Fridays, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Thursdays, and from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturdays.
For more information, contact the Pellegrinis at 360-691-9556 or