Arlington library supporters should pony up their own cash for project

Mr. Stav’s opinion piece was entertaining to say the least. So allow me to get up on the old soapbox and have a stab at it. Does anyone even need a reason to vote yes or no? I personally know of five voters that told me even though they were born and raised here they had never used the library, so that is their reason for a no vote. I was told by 12 people who listened to my reasons for voting no that I’d convinced them to do the same.

Mr. Stav’s opinion piece was entertaining to say the least. So allow me to get up on the old soapbox and have a stab at it. Does anyone even need a reason to vote yes or no? I personally know of five voters that told me even though they were born and raised here they had never used the library, so that is their reason for a no vote. I was told by 12 people who listened to my reasons for voting no that I’d convinced them to do the same.

I guess Stav doesn’t shop at the store when I do? I’m not even going to get started on the high school (Stav called it modern infrastructure which they don’t expect to last more than 30 years). Remember the scare tactic that the A building wasn’t safe anymore for use (yet it’s OK for the Boys and Girls club, daycare and anyone who wants to rent a room). And please lets not blame this on the good people of Smokey Point, remember we wanted the tax base or was it give me your taxes and keep your vote with mine?

Now my greatest amusement was the statement it’s only a latte a month. Where has Stav been, in a cave? Gov. Lowrey took our lattes away for life. As for movie rentals and take out or delivery pizza, Gov. Locke took those. And as for Gov. Chris, well her gas tax has got me working overtime just so I can get to work. I believe that the state’s portion is .52 cents.

Now, so as not to leave you hanging on, here is my solution to the problem. You and the approximately 3,498 other people who require a new library can hawk your belongings, get a loan and build this super important project yourselves. It really isn’t that large a figure per person, $8.8 million divided by whatever. Then charge a nominal fee for use, bingo rich beyond your wildest dreams. This is exactly why so many people are still coming to America; they wish to experience the huge tax bill just to live here. Is it late June or early July that we get to start earning money for our families? I’d almost be willing to bet that you still don’t get it, no means no.

Loren J. Hood