In the April 8 Arlington Times paper, the headline news is about cuts to the pharmacy’s ability to provide the necessary medicines to their customers.
I feel that this could cause discomfort for not only those who need the medication. If Washington is starting to cut back on things that help its citizens then we can only imagine what the cuts are on less important items such as luxuries and toys for the kids.
I like this article because it tells us, even warns us, about today’s conditions. We are in a deep hole and tons of cuts need to be made to manufacturers and goods we normally can live without. This brings the attention of many to the fact that we need to do all we can to help our town, our county, our state and our nation.
Many will look right over this article but they don’t see the real importance of it all. They might think that they are okay and bad things are only happening to people far away. But they don’t realize that cuts are being made right under their noses in their own town.
Thank you for writing the article and making it known to the citizens of Arlington. I look forward to reading more articles like this one.
Tanner Robins