Mr. Hendrickson in his opinion seems concerned with how government seems to grow with the democrats in office. I don’t claim to be educated in the vagaries of politics as he seems to be. However, I am a citizen and as such I have noticed that while the republicans indeed do try to shrink government, invariably the spending of that “smaller” government seems to increase. The deficit increases and large businesses seem to thrive.
While republicans scream about less government they seem to have no compulsion about imposing that government on other countries and spending billions of dollars and the precious blood of our children to do it. To them it’s perfectly reasonable to pay to impose our government on them, just don’t try to increase funding for welfare programs here at home to help our needy; that costs too much.
Like I said, I’m not an expert on government, but I do know, as a disabled American, that I can barely survive when the democrats are in office and I have to go to outside sources (if available) for help for basic services when the republicans are in office. I know something is wrong when elected officials vote themselves 16 percent cost of living wage increases and then turn around and tell those of us on SSA that the cost of living has only gone up 1 percent to 3 percent. I know something’s wrong when my monthly income goes up $22 and my rent and health insurance premiums go up $127 and groceries and gas are outside my budget. I know something’s wrong when funding to help the elderly and disabled pay for utilities or rent is cut while funding for aid to other countries and military spending grows with no one to account or oversee how it is spent.
As far as I’m concerned the issue isn’t more or less government, but effective government. Since neither party seems able or willing to accomplish that I’ll go with the party that actually helps me in everyday, practical and real ways and if Mr. Hendrickson sees that as “more,” then he’s right. It is more; more heat, more groceries, more medicine … and that kind of more I can deal with.
Donna Johnson