We would like to take this time to praise and give thanks for all the prayers, support, donations and ongoing efforts to help the family of Bryan Walden. For those who don’t know Bryan or hadn’t heard of his accident, he was topping a tree on his property when something dreadful went wrong. He fell about 25 feet with the ladder and tree landing on top of him.
Offensive! That is what Suzan DelBene’s latest television ad was to me. First, because of the internet and all sorts of editing programs, she was able to insert her opponent, John Koster, holding “yes” and “no” signs as if in answer to what she perceives are women’s rights.
After purchasing several products as gifts from a well-known Arlington business, our family member (the recipient) found that one of the items didn’t fit. She and her partner, with receipt in hand, entered the business and kindly requested to do an exchange. They were met with skepticism and a less than cordial attitude. They live out of the area and are not your “typical” couple.
On behalf of the Arlington Community Food Bank we would like to thank the Stillaguamish Tribe, Arlington Hardware & Lumber, city of Arlington, Wal-Mart and the greater Arlington community for their very generous donations to the Food Bank capital building fund. Soon you will see the ground breaking for the new building. We have to vacate our current facility by Jan.1, 2013, so time is of the essence.
In order to fully understand the Supreme Court’s ruling on the Affordable Health Care Act, one has to understand what the Supreme Court actually is authorized to do under the Constitution. It is only authorized to rule on the “constitutionality” of anything brought before it.
We are writing today to urge voters in the Lakewood School District to vote “YES” on April 17 for the Replacement School Programs and Operation Levy and the Capital Projects and Technology Levy.
Those of us at the Arlington Food Bank wish to express our heartfelt gratitude to all the organizations who were involved in helping us with our holiday food drive. It was with the assistance of those in the Arlington and Lakewood School Districts and the Arlington Fire Department’s Santa Run, along with considerable support from the food drives at our local grocery stores, that we received substantial food donations which made the holiday food drive a huge success. Overall, our community enabled us to assist more than 300 families for this past holiday season. Your kindness helped so many who have so little.
As a former Finance Director of the Arlington School District and prior Mayor of Arlington I would like to take this opportunity to remind our Arlington School District citizens that on Tuesday, February 14th a Replacement 4-Year Maintenance and Operations Levy will be on the election ballot. The current four-Year M & O levy will expire at the end of this year.
On Feb. 14, we will ask you, the voter, to approve a School Programs and Operation Levy (formerly called a M&O Levy) for the Arlington School District.
I would like to thank everyone who helped American Legion Post 76 Toys For Kids raise money throughout the year to help purchase Christmas gifts for the less fortunate children in the Arlington area.
The outrage over the recent incidents of child abuse at two major, high profile university athletic departments continues to fill the national print and electronic media.
I have been a member of the Lakewood School District community for over 30 years, as a resident, a taxpayer, a parent of two Lakewood graduates and one child to begin school at Lakewood in the fall. I have had the privilege of being a teacher and librarian for Lakewood School District since 1977. This is my community, my home, and I love living and working here. This fall I have been reminded that Lakewood is a great place by community participation in several venues.
Barb Tolbert’s vision and passion for the city of Arlington make her the obvious choice as our next Mayor.