Support the EMS Levy – Prop. 1

Please consider joining me in support of the EMS Levy – Proposition 1. We are so fortunate to have such high caliber and highly trained EMS personnel. The EMS Levy will ensure continued excellent response and service to the city of Arlington and surrounding communities. Our citizens deserve this continued level of quality care.

Please consider joining me in support of the EMS Levy – Proposition 1. We are so fortunate to have such high caliber and highly trained EMS personnel. The EMS Levy will ensure continued excellent response and service to the city of Arlington and surrounding communities. Our citizens deserve this continued level of quality care.

The EMS Levy will fund the continuation of Basic Life Support (EMT) and Advanced Life Support (Paramedic) personnel. It will also ensure the funding of vital equipment, supplies and training. This is not a new tax – it is a replacement for the expiring levy.

I have had many opportunities to witness the quick response, high quality service and professionalism of our EMS personnel. They save many lives throughout our community each year. Please join me in voting “YES” for our EMS.

Kristine McDuffy
