We are writing today to urge voters in the Lakewood School District to vote “YES” on April 17 for the Replacement School Programs and Operation Levy and the Capital Projects and Technology Levy.
As taxpayers and employees of the Lakewood School District we would like to share why we are planning on voting for these two levy propositions. Our three children went through the Lakewood school system and all three had very positive experiences. They had teachers that took the time to know them individually and guide them to reach their full potential. The current and future students of the Lakewood School District need the same opportunity afforded to our children.
Given the legislative failure to fully support education in our state, it is unfortunately left to us as citizens to secure the education of our children. We need to ensure our children continue to receive quality educations by offering quality programs with manageable class sizes that promote student achievement. The Replacement School Programs and Operations Levy helps bridge the gap between what the state provides and what it actually costs to educate our students.
It’s important to do the right thing for our future generation, but also for ourselves. Good schools and good communities are a sound investment.
Please join us in voting yes on Lakewood’s two propositions that will be on the April 17 ballot.
Thank you,
Steve and Robin Barker