Planning a new Relay for Life in Arlington for

next year

Kerry Munnich is planning an American Cancer Society Relay for Life event in Arlington in 2010 and she needs 25 good workers to help. The first meeting is set for 6 p.m., Thursday, May 21, in the Presidents Elementary gym at 505 E. Third St. The meeting will provide information about how individuals or groups can be involved. Munnich is hoping for 25 people to spread the workload. Last year Munnich recruited the Arlington Rotary Club for the Stanwood-Camano Relay which is coming up again May 29 and 30. “The American Cancer Society does a great job of training for these positions which would begin in the Fall,” Munnich said. For information call 425-239-9615.

Calligraphy class

Pam Koons is teaching the art of fancy handwriting, Thursdays, May 21 – June 18. This class will focus on two new calligraphy lower case hands, uncials and black letter gothic. Students must already have knowledge of basic calligraphy. The class runs from 6:30-8:30 p.m.. at the Community Room at the Boys and Girls Club, 18513 59th Ave. NE in Arlington. The class fee is $54. To register call 360-403-3448.

Calls for art

n Space is available for artists and fine crafters at the fifth annual Art in the Barn, in Oso, June 27 and 28. For information call Monica Yantis at 360-435-8815.

n Art at the Plant Farm has applications available for the second annual event at the Smokey Point Plant Farm, Sept. 12-13. For information call Kent and Roberta Baker at 360-474-8576.

n The Snohomish County Arts Commission seeks artists to exhibit their large-scale two-dimensional works of art at the Snohomish County Campus on short-term loan.

Works on paper and photography by professional artists will be considered.

For information call Wendy Becker at 425-388-3186.

n May 30 is the deadline to enter art images of Puget Sound for a “Puget Sound — I Love You” art contest, presented by People for Puget Sound and the La Conner Seaside Gallery. Entries will be exhibited at Seaside Gallery June 6-15. Entries of photography, painting and sculpture depicting activities related to actions protecting and restoring Puget Sound, will be judged by a regional panel and exhibited during a two-week Puget Sound — I Love You celebration at the gallery.