ARLINGTON — The Arlington Garden Club invites the community to its second annual Holiday Garden Art and Crafts Show at the Gleaneagle Golf Course Country Club, located at 7619 W. Country Club Dr. in Arlington, on Saturday, Nov. 23, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
“After last year’s success, the Arlington Garden Club is excited to provide an expanded event, with 38 diverse vendors offering quality gifts for all,” said Barb Woodward, who handles communications for the club. “Speaking for the committee, I’d say that our favorite aspects of last year’s event were working together with many different members, and several spouses, to pull this off, followed by the satisfaction of watching all the work come together as a successful day. It was fun.”
Woodward credited Judy Ness, who’s in charge of vendors for this year’s show, with coming up with the idea, based on a similar event that she’d chaired while living in Pennsylvania.
“Judy chaired it last year and got everybody excited,” said Woodward, who noted that Sharon Dittenberger is chairing the show this year. “On the day of the event, it seemed like everybody from the organizers to the vendors and attendees were all in a great mood. You could feel it in the room.”
The Holiday Garden Art and Crafts Show has more space this year because the Gleaneagle Golf Course Country Club is providing a tent for several vendors, including the Arlington Garden Club itself.
“We’ll make it easy for people to go between the two buildings, and everyone gets to be undercover,” said Woodward, who thanked Terry Marsh and his painters for the painted wooden “shopping bags” that will be put up all over Arlington on Nov. 16 to promote the show.
Event organizers promise that plenty of Pacific Northwest artists and crafters will be on-site to offer quality items for everyday budgets. For more information, log onto