ARLINGTON — More than 130 pieces of locally produced art will be featured in Cascade Valley Hospital once its newest building opens up Jan. 25.
The pieces, which include photographs, oil paintings and even a Persian rug, come from artists who reside in Snohomish, Island, Skagit and Whatcom counties.
“Art and health care go together like peanut butter and jelly,” said hospital assistant administrator Heather Logan.
She said most of the art was either commissioned by the hospital foundation or donated.
In addition to the various pieces of art that hang on the walls of the hospital’s newest building, large pieces of stained glass were being installed on Jan. 5 by Camano Island artists Jack Archibald and Bob Ansell.
Archibald said he learned how to cut and piece together glass during a class at Stanwood High School.
“You just cut up the glass — you don’t stain it,” he said about the approximately 12-foot-tall by 30-foot-long stretch of window space housing the colored glass. “Designing it is the hard part.”
Other pieces on display are Arlington resident Rocky Barrick’s prints of three local trains, titled “Flying Shield,” “Green Machine” and “Ready To Work.”
“All of the images and items had to be soothing or calming,” Logan said.