ARLINGTON — The Arlington Recreational Garden Group has had to find alternate quarters for its next two Saturday meetings, due to ongoing Oso mudslide recovery efforts.
The group’s April 26 presentation and discussion on natural lawn care will be conducted at the Arlington United Church, located at 338 N. MacLeod Ave., in the large room one floor below the sanctuary, from 10 a.m. to noon. The entry door to this room is on the side of the building on Fourth Street, across from the Masonic Lodge. The cost is $4 for first-time attendees and $1 for returning attendees. The group is saving up these funds and working toward officially forming as a garden club.
The location of the May 24 meeting on composting, cool bugs and surface water management has also been moved. This program will take place in the community room adjacent to the Arlington Boys and Girls Club, located at 18513 59th Ave. NE in Arlington.
Both of these classes are jointly sponsored by the Snohomish Conservation District, Snohomish County Public Works’ Surface Water Management Division and the WSU Snohomish County Extension Master Gardeners. For more information, call Master Gardener Bea Randall at 360-435-3892.