SMOKEY POINT — The Stillaguamish Senior Center’s monthly pancake breakfast on Saturday, Dec. 8, will include a guest appearance by Santa Claus from 8:30-10:30 a.m.
Regency Care Center’s Mike Shaw will cook up a breakfast of sausage, Southwest scrambled eggs, fluffy pancakes, juice and coffee, all for a nominal donation of $5. The proceeds will be used to promote and enhance the affordability of Stillaguamish Senior Center exercise programs, including Yoga, Tai Chi, Zumba, Zumba Gold Fun, Fit and Function, and Stretch and Breathe.
While volunteers serve up the breakfast, photos with Santa and treats, door prizes and free massages will round out the action.
Those who bring cans of food or food items will earn extra door prize ticket, and all ages are welcome at the breakfast.
The Stillaguamish Senior Center is located at 18308 Smokey Point Blvd. in Arlington.