Trafton Community Center offers a chance to ‘Kick Up Your Heels’

ARLINGTON — The Trafton Community Center will be hosting the "Kick Up Your Heels" community event from 6:30-8:30 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 26.

ARLINGTON — The Trafton Community Center will be hosting the “Kick Up Your Heels” community event from 6:30-8:30 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 26.

The family-oriented folk- and square-dancing get-together runs at an admission cost of $4 per person, and organizers promise easy dances for all ages, with no partners needed and no experience required.

“This is a great opportunity for a night of low-cost family-friendly entertainment, as well as a chance to support the growing Trafton Community Center,” said Randy Ray, program coordinator for the Trafton Community Center.

The potluck is open to veggies, chips and snacks. Square-dances will be taught by Cristine Titus, who can be reached at 425-232-7237.

For more information, email the Trafton Community Center at, log onto its Facebook page at, or log onto its YouTube page at