They say a little bit of Duct tape can fix anything.
Well, it sure could help some local students pay for college.
Three local students have made it to the public voting stage for a Stuck at Prom Duck Brand Duct tape scholarship.
That is right. They need your vote. And they will stick with it until they get it.
The local students are Lauren Nelson and Ira Warlick, who have entered as a couple, and Samantha Nelson, who has entered as a single.
That means that Nelson and Warlick are eligible for a scholarship of $10,000 each, and Samanta is eligible for one for $1,000.
To vote, go to,, click on “voting,” enter your email address, and make your choice. Participants can vote twice per day, per email, per device, until July 5.
So why should you vote for them, other than they are local. Well, they have each worked for months making prom attire almost entirely out of duct tape. The two accompanying photos show their work.
“These young people are working hard to help put themselves through college,” said Kim Nelson, the mom of the two Nelson contestants. “Please help them out by voting for them.”