Arlington-Marysville community response team training starts in March

Community Emergency Response Team training will be starting this month, to teach area residents how to help each other out during disasters, as well as on an everyday basis to prepare for disasters beforehand. Interested citizens can become resources for their families and friends by taking the upcoming CERT training offered by the Arlington Fire Department and the Marysville Fire District. This training will teach attendees how to make plans, create disaster kits, provide emergency medical assistance, conduct urban searches and rescues, put out small fires with fire extinguishers, and even lead teams of volunteers to do the most good for the most people in an emergency.

Community Emergency Response Team training will be starting this month, to teach area residents how to help each other out during disasters, as well as on an everyday basis to prepare for disasters beforehand.

Interested citizens can become resources for their families and friends by taking the upcoming CERT training offered by the Arlington Fire Department and the Marysville Fire District. This training will teach attendees how to make plans, create disaster kits, provide emergency medical assistance, conduct urban searches and rescues, put out small fires with fire extinguishers, and even lead teams of volunteers to do the most good for the most people in an emergency.

CERT classes start in Snohomish County on March 26 and run for seven consecutive Friday nights, from 6:30-9:30 p.m. The course cost is $25, which will cover materials needed for the classes and the final drill. Additionally, participants will need personal protective gear to conduct the tactical applications of the course safely.

To get more information, register for the course or view a list of required materials, visit or call your local CERT fire contact before March 19.

CERT fire contacts:

Marysville Fire District: Kristen Thorstenson at 360-363-8507

Arlington Fire Department: Chris Badger at 360-403-3600.

Tulalip Tribes: Rochelle James at 360-719-5944.

The city of Marysville: Bob Dolhaynk at 360-363-8323.