Chamber now using video to cover events

Michael Prihoda recently decided that the Arlington-Smokey Point Chamber of Commerce needed something new to promote itself and its affiliated businesses

SMOKEY POINT — Michael Prihoda recently decided that the Arlington-Smokey Point Chamber of Commerce needed something new to promote itself and its affiliated businesses.

That new thing is shooting and producing video.

In the last month Prihoda, the chamber’s executive director, has put up two videos on YouTube hoping to draw in a larger audience to chamber activities and events.

The videos — a one minute and 30 second preview to the chamber’s Dec. 8 meeting and a 45 second video about a new Arlington business’s grand opening — were shot by him and chamber executive assistant Carin Weier.

“I thought that it would be interesting to do,” Prihoda said. “Anybody who watches them will get to see a business’s facility or to see what’s happening with the chamber.”

Prihoda said he got the idea to incorporate video into the chamber’s efforts during a recent Washington state chamber executives meeting.

“I saw what other chambers were doing and thought we could do what they do,” he said.

The chamber’s first video was shot by Weier in the chamber office to invite members to its Dec. 8 luncheon. Renae James of Hometown Values, Jesica Stickles of Stickles Press and Katie Stevens of Aflac also appeared in the short video.

The second video was shot at All Country Tack ‘n More, a new business located at 303 N. Olympic Avenue in Arlington.

“In that video I was operating the camera and asking the questions,” Prihoda said. “(Owner Jessica Krogstadt) did a perfect job. She did a really good job speaking on camera.”

Prihoda said that he hopes to produce about two videos per month, and said he’d like to take video at future after-hours business events, ribbon cuttings and other chamber events.

“We don’t want to overdo it,” he said. “We want to try to keep them short.”

The videos can be viewed at the Arlington-Smokey Point Chamber of Commerce’s Web site at