EVERETT Perhaps one of the better-known residents of the Arlington area, Bob Drewel has been honored by the Snohomish County Council with the recent naming of the new county administration building.
Drewel said he was pretty surprised, but thinks he knows who made the suggestion.
I have my suspicions, he laughed.
The Council told him of the decision when he was at the podium for a different reason Monday, Nov. 5.
I was there for the budget hearings to testify in support of a program on the military and tourism in the four county system, said Drewel, who is now executive director of the Puget Sound Regional Council after 12 years as Snohomish County Executive until 2004.
I think one of my biggest accomplishments was building one of the best teams that Ive ever had the privilege to work with, Drewel said, referring the countys staff.
Then they all conspired to surprise me, he said.
Drewel had no idea this recognition was in the works when he arrived at the County Councils first public hearing on the 2008 county budget.
In bipartisan recognition of his many contributions to Snohomish County, the County Council unanimously approved naming the new building known as Administration East as The Robert J. Drewel Building. Council members specifically recognized Drewels integrity, leadership and his ability to work across party lines for the good of the county.
The Council motion noted that under the leadership and prudent fiscal management of County Executive Drewel, the county planned, designed, funded and constructed several important new facilities including the Denney Juvenile Justice Center, and made enhancements to the county campus including a new administration building which began construction during the Drewel administration
County building named for Drewel
EVERETT Perhaps one of the better-known residents of the Arlington area, Bob Drewel has been honored by the Snohomish County Council with the recent naming of the new county administration building.