ARLINGTON — The fire and emergency medical services regionalization study results presentation which had been scheduled for Wednesday, July 31, has been cancelled.
During the review process of the study, Emergency Services Consulting International received additional information from the seven participating agencies. As a result of this routine response, ESCI has requested additional time to review and assess the additional information.
“We want to carefully consider the additional information as we finalize the study,” said Don Bivins, an associate with ESCI. “Additional time is needed to verify the new information in order to provide the area policymakers with the information they need to make any decisions on cooperative fire and EMS services.”
The study was commissioned in August of last year, to provide information to the policymakers in North Snohomish County on opportunities to provide cooperative fire and EMS services to the public in the best way possible.
“We look forward to evaluating the study’s results once it has been fully vetted by all the partners,” Arlington Mayor Barb Tolbert said.
The city of Arlington anticipates that the presentation will be rescheduled for the first part of September.