Hazardous materials experts to speak at May 28 Disaster Task Force meeting

A disaster task force meeting from 6 - 7:30 p.m. Thursday, May 28 will feature Dr. Jerry Galt and Mark Miller from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

ARLINGTON — A disaster task force meeting from 6 – 7:30 p.m. Thursday, May 28 will feature Dr. Jerry Galt and Mark Miller from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

The two experts will present a briefing on hazardous materials and give a demonstration using air modeling software that Galt helped write, said Chris Jones, volunteer Emergency Management Project Manager.

“It will give you a visualization of chemicals like ammonia, chlorine, and propane and how they move in the air and in what concentrations,” Jones said.

“Jerry Galt is a local resident who offered to do the presentation and Miller is with NOAA at Sand Point in Seattle,” said Emergency Management Coordinator Chris Badger.

Presented by the City of Arlington Emergency Management Office, the meeting will be held at City Council Chambers, 238 N. Olympic Ave.

The presentation will review the quantity of hazardous materials that pass through Snohomish County every year and how such chemicals act.

Galt has responded to hazmat spills the world over and he has an acute understanding of chemical properties which he will share in laymen’s terms.

That will help the community be better prepared if a release of such materials should occur in our neighborhood.

There will also be a short discussion by Badger on sheltering in place – a critical element in surviving chemical spills if evacuation is not an option.

Light snacks will be served.

City plans exercise

The city of Arlington is planning a three-part exercise starting 9:15 a.m. June 5.

The three part exercise will start with the staging of a moderate earthquake at Weston High School. City workers will take damage assessment across the city and then at Cascade Valley Hospital.

“We are currently soliciting assistance from businesses to post simulated damage signs on the outside of their buildings at 9 a.m. Friday June 5,” Badger said. Any business interested in receiving a packet of signs with instructions should call Badger at 360-403-3618 or e-mail to cbadger@ci.arlington.wa.us.