ARLINGTON – Washington State Department of Transportation wants to hear from residents and drivers about safety concerns at the State Route 9/State Route 531 intersection in Arlington.
Residents and drivers will have an opportunity to talk with project engineers, learn about potential safety improvements, ask questions and voice concerns in an informal setting during a WSDOT-hosted open house from 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, July 21, at Arlington High School, 18821 Crown Ridge Blvd., Arlington.
A significant amount of development is planned for the land surrounding the SR 9/SR 531 intersection. New developments will bring more homes, businesses and drivers. The current intersection isn’t designed to handle the amount of expected growth. WSDOT, which has $15.6 million to design and make safety improvements to the intersection by 2011, wants to make improvements before there is an increase in congestion, delays and collisions. Improvement options include a new signal or roundabout.
On average, 16,000 drivers use the SR 9/SR 531 intersection on a daily basis. From 2004 to 2008, there were 28 collisions that resulted in 29 injuries. The majority of those collisions and injuries happened when drivers tried to turn left through the intersection.
Even if you can’t attend the open house, WSDOT still wants your input. Contact information and a comment form are available on the project Web page –
Additional projects at the open house include:
* SR 531 – Arlington corridor plan:
* I-5 – Smokey Point interchange improvement project –
* City of Arlington will be in attendance
The meeting site is accessible to people with disabilities. Individuals requiring reasonable accommodations may request written materials in alternate formats, sign language interpreters, physical accessibility accommodations or other reasonable accommodation by contacting Shawn Murinko, at 360-705-7097. Persons who are deaf or hard of hearing may call the Washington State Telecommunications Relay Service or Tele-Braille at 7-1-1, Voice 1-800-833-6384, and ask to be connected to Shawn Murinko.
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