Use Byrnes better
The recently published article regarding the awards presented by the Fifth Avenue Theatre for the Arlington High School presentation of “Pippin” in the May 29 edition of the Arlington Times was much appreciated. I’ve been a supporter of director Scott Moberly for a number of years and have enjoyed his efforts to present the Arlington community with first-rate productions. My frustration stems from the reluctance on the part of the district administration to allow him to utilize the full potential of the Byrnes Performing Arts Center. Pippin was another example in the continuing efforts on the part of the district to restrict the full use of these wonderful facilities in an effort to maintain what it considers a pristine environment. As I sat in the audience and watched the performance I was amazed at how much Scott was able to achieve on the set with absolutely nothing, other than a few minor props.
Fortunately, the student-actors and the orchestra were able to draw the attention of the audience away from the limitations.
Is it not time that we unleash the full creativity of this marvelous teacher and his staff to present a program in its full glory and end this medieval attempt to turn the Byrnes into a sacrosanct tribute to the desires of a few at the expense of the many?
Francis X. Barden, Arlington
Dog mom speaks
I’m a Dog Mom, which is a silly term that is much celebrated and maligned in social media that simply reflects my adoration for my dogs. When I have all four dogs with me, I don’t allow anyone to pet them – it’s too much excitement for my pack. But when it’s just one or two dogs, I welcome the opportunity to socialize them.
When your children ask me if they can pet my dogs, it gives me a moment to check my dogs’ mood and decide if it’s a good time or not. If it’s the start of a walk, it’s not a great time for socialization because they’re over excited. However, if we’ve been walking, then a break to meet a new friend is welcome.
Kimberly Gauthier, Marysville