LAKEWOOD The Lakewood High School Cheerleaders competed recently at the state cheerleading championships, after placing first at the fourth annual Fall Cheer Classic at Monroe High School and first at LSJAA Cheerfest 2006 at Lake Stevens High School.
To qualify for the state-level competition a team must have participated in at least one Washington Interscholastic Athletic Association (WIAA) or school-sponsored competition and must have scored at least 195 as a minimum qualifying score.
The LHS squad received a score of 201 points in the medium varsity category at Spiritfest 2007, hosted by Oak Harbor High School and they scored 203 points a the medium varsity category at the WIAA Salute to Spirit 2007 competition at the Everett Events Center.
Both of these contests qualified the LHS Varsity Cheerleading team to compete at the state championships.
Cheer advisor Tammy Melhart shared that among their squad members is a set of twins who just received their acceptance to become NCA instructors upon graduation.
Only four cheerleaders were selected in the Northwest and Andrea and Ashlee Wallin were chose for two of those sports, Melhart said.
LHS cheer squad competes at state
LAKEWOOD The Lakewood High School Cheerleaders competed recently at the state cheerleading championships, after placing first at the fourth annual Fall Cheer Classic at Monroe High School and first at LSJAA Cheerfest 2006 at Lake Stevens High School.