Local dental clinic offers free services

ARLINGTON Eighteen school-aged children received $11,000 worth of dental work Saturday, March 10 when Eagle Family Dental Clinics doctors and staff offered their time and talent to replace the Smilemobiles cancelled visit to Arlington last winter.

ARLINGTON Eighteen school-aged children received $11,000 worth of dental work Saturday, March 10 when Eagle Family Dental Clinics doctors and staff offered their time and talent to replace the Smilemobiles cancelled visit to Arlington last winter.
The Smilemobile is a mobile dental unit that provides services for low-income children across the state of Washington at low or no cost. The unit is operated by volunteer dentists, dental assistants and hygienists and was scheduled for its regular visit in Arlington during the week of snow and ice at the end of November. When schools were closed due to snow, at least 30 appointments could not be rescheduled because the Smilemobile had to continue on its scheduled journey, said Kim Keefe, dental assistant.
The staff of Eagle Family Dental then called the Smilemobile management to offer their own time to service those children.
At the end of the day, they treated 18 kids of the 20 that were scheduled with cleanings, sealants, fluoride, fillings and whatever else was needed, said Dr. Lupita Fernandez.
Jennifer Benjamin, who brought her eldest son, 11-year-old son Deeshawn Benjamin, for dental service was very thankful for the opportunity.
Its really great that they help low-income people like this, Benjamin said while arranging to extend her time at the clinic for her son to get fillings completed.
Those who volunteered their time are Dr. Jeff Huleatt, Dr. Lupita Fernandez, hygienists Robin Villa and Karen Moran, dental assistants Kim Keefe, Debbie Huff, Lea McGuire-Pierce and Tracy Giebel, and in the front office, Lori Messmer and Carla Bailey.