Community Networking group first Wednesdays, 11:45 a.m., at Tin Fish Restaurant, Third and Mukilteo Speedway on Lincoln in Old Town Mukilteo. Wendy at 425-349-1562.
Fidelity Chapter No. 78 Order of the Eastern Star, invites other members to join them on first and third Wednesdays, except July and August, at 7:30 p.m., 405 N. Olympic Ave. in Arlington. For information call 360-435-2545.
Arlington Kiwanis meets 7 p.m., first and third Wednesdays, community room of the Arlington Boys and Girls Club, call 360-435-5789.
Lakewood School Board meets at
6:30 p.m., the first and third Wednesdays of each month at Lakewood High School Library, 17023 11th Ave. NE, Arlington. Agenda information, 360-652-4500.
Greater Marysville Artists Guild meets first Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m., Jennings Park Barn in Marysville. Everyone is asked to bring one of their pieces of art. The Guild seeks to interest local artists in attending meetings and offers educational opportunities. Contact Cecelia Venolia at 425-377-9671.
YMCA Multiple Sclerosis Support Group meets first Thursdays at noon in the Multi-purpose room at the Marysville Family YMCA, 6420 60th Drive NE. Roberta Smith at 360-653-9622, Ext. 208.
AARP Marysville Chapter monthly meeting occurs at noon first Thursdays at the Baxter Sr./Com. Center, 514 Delta Ave., Marysville.
Marysville Lions meets first and third Thursdays at the Village Inn at 6:30 p.m. Call Phil at 360-659-8484.
All ladies age 39 and older are invited to join the Old Bags of Arlington, a non-profit philanthropy club. Money earned through fundraising is given back to the community. Business meetings are first Fridays in Arlington American Legion on Olympic Avenue at noon. For information, call 360-435-6996 or visit
Action Sports presents Saturday Singles and Sunday Doubles Disc Golf Tournaments. First and third Saturdays and the second and fourth Sundays at 1:30 p.m. Open to teens and adults of all abilities, $12 for tournament entry. The Rotary Disc Golf Course is located at Twin Rivers Park, 22914 State R-530 (Just past Lincoln Bridge). Course is open to the public.
Hands of Hope at Turning Point Community Church offers free lunch from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. first Saturdays at 1410 Eighth St., Marysville. Clothing is also available. For information call 360-653-1822.
Health Care For All Washington, Snohomish, meets first Saturday at 2:30 p.m. at the Marysville Library, 7312 35th Ave. NE. For information call 360-653-7139.
Arlington School Board meets at 7:30 p.m. the second and fourth Mondays at Presidents Elementary School’s Roosevelt Building, 315 N. French Ave, Arlington. For agenda information call 618-6200.
The Snohomish Garden Club meets second Mondays from September through May, annual dues are $15. Contact Caroline Strittmatter at 425-359-7604.
The Stillaguamish Valley Genealogical Society located at 135 North Olympic Avenue in downtown Arlington will have a librarian on 1 – 4 p.m., who can take your precious slides and negatives and make photographs out of them while you wait on the second Tuesday. The cost for each 4 x 6 photograph is $1, payable by check or cash. Call Mary on that afternoon at 360-435-4838.
An information and support group for family caregivers of those living with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia meets the second and fourth Tuesdays in Stanwood. The group meets at Warm Beach Health Care Center and Manor, 20420 Marine Drive NW, from 2 to 3:30 p.m. For information contact Kimberly Gordon at 360-652-2614.
Stillaguamish Valley Genealogical Society shows ways to trace a family’s history. Visit the library and attend monthly meetings at 135 North Olympic Ave., Arlington, noon to 4 p.m. on Tuesdays and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Thursdays. Meetings are second Tuesdays from 1 – 3 p.m. Members will be available for the first hour to assist with individual questions and helping people work through “brick walls” in researching their family tree. For information call the SVGS library at 360-435-4838.
The Grandview Community Club meets the second Tuesday evening, September through May, 7 p.m., at 11506 Smokes Road, Arlington. The club hosts community activities and the Hall is also available for rent. For club or rental information, 435-4256; for music 691-5907 or
Snohomish County Results monthly meeting is at Wired and Unplugged Internet Cafe, 717 First Street, Snohomish, the second Tuesday. Contact Teresa Rugg 360-862-9034 or This is a grassroots citizen group that is creating the political will to end global hunger and the worst aspects of poverty through lobbying members of Congress and informing the media on issues of global health, universal education and microcredit.
American Legion Post 76 meets at 7 p.m. on the second Tuesdays oat 115 N. Olympic Ave., Arlington. For information, call Jim Barron at 360-435-2492.
Arlington Arts Council starts its regular monthly meeting at 5:30 p.m. Artists who would like to share their art are invited to show up at 5 p.m. for an art show and tell. The Arlington Arts Council meets second Tuesdays in the Community room of the Arlington Boys & Girls Club, 1851359th Ave. NE. For information, call Jean Olson at 360-435-5866.
Arlington-Smokey Point Chamber of Commerce meets at noon on second Tuesdays at the Hawthorn Inn, 16710 Smokey Point Blvd., in Arlington. The chamber office and visitor’s center is located at 3710 168th St. NE, near the Smokey Point Post Office. Luncheon meetings are $15 if reservations are made in advance and $20 at the door. For information call Sharon Shaw at 360-659-5453 or email The chamber website is
Arlington Library Book Group meets second Tuesdays at 7 p.m. For adults and teens. Contact Leslie at 425-435-3033 for information.
Al-Anon weekly meetings:
“If you want to drink, that’s your business. If want to stop, that’s ours.” Call Alcoholics Anonymous at 425-252-2525, or visit Al Anon and Al Ateen 24 hour hot line is 360-918-0464.
• Sunday: Health Center, 127 E Camano Drive, Camano Island, 6:30 p.m. Handicapped access. 425-348-7828. Baptist Church, Highway 530, Darrington, 7 p.m. 425-348-7828.
• Tuesday Immaculate Conception Church, 1200 Fifth Street, Arlington, 7.30 p.m. Handicapped access. Al-Ateen meeting, call 425-348-7828.
• Wednesday 7 p.m. Freeborn Lutheran Church, 2304 300th St. N.W., Stanwood, call 425-348-7828.
• Thursday 8 p.m. United Methodist Church, 27112 102nd Drive, Stanwood. Handicapped access, call 425-348-7828.
• Friday 8 p.m. Health Center, 127 E. Camano Drive, Camano Island. Handicapped access, call 425-348-7828.
• The New Beginnings Al-Anon Family Group meets at Marysville School District Service Center, 4220 80th St. NE, Friday nights, 8 – 9:30 p.m., the Strawberry Room.