Teens get training for beach watching, including Kayak Point
Teens from north Snohomish County will receive 30 hours of instruction and school credit while exploring the shoreline in the Teen Beach Watchers after school program.
Teen Beach Watchers will be mentored by Snohomish County experts and in return they will provide 30 hours of service through Puget Sound protection projects. The sessions will also include hands-on collaborative team work, field trips, engaging activities and artistic opportunities.
The classes start Jan. 29 at the Stanwood Camano Community Resource Center, 9620 271st St. NW in Stanwood. Ten classes run from 3 – 6 p.m. Thursdays from Jan. 29 through March 19 with two Saturday field trips on Feb. 14 and March 7.
A $10 material fee is collected and scholarships are available upon request.
For information and to request an application call Tamara Neuffer at WSU Snohomish County Extension at 425-357-6028, via email at 4H.BeachWatchers@wsu.edu or at the following websites: http://snohomish.wsu.edu/4h/NR/ or www.beachwatchers.wsu.edu/snohomish.