ARLINGTON — About 6,700 pounds of food were collected by the Arlington Fire Department during its annual Santa Run.
Fire department spokeswoman Chris Badger said in a release that organizers also received more than $3,800 in cash donations during the two-week event.
During the Santa Run, Santa Claus, as well as volunteers from the city of Arlington and other local organizations, collect food and monetary donations to aide the Arlington Food Bank.
This year, they received three times as much cash as the 2008 Santa Run. Organizers also received a substantially larger amount of food, Santa Run coordinator Ronda Davies said.
She said the amount of food completely filled the Arlington Community Food Bank.
“Arlington residents always rally around those in our community who are down,” said Arlington Fire Chief Jim Rankin. “This huge increase in giving food and money this year, enough though many people may be having hardships of their own, really shows the true community spirit of those who live here.”
Overflow from the Santa Run was shared with neighboring food banks, Badger said.