• The Equine Rescue Association in Marysville is urgently seeking help. Feed costs have skyrocketed and they are stretched too thin for their 29 horses. For questions about donations contact equinerescue@tulalipbroadband.net or 360-658-5494.


• The Equine Rescue Association in Marysville is urgently seeking help. Feed costs have skyrocketed and they are stretched too thin for their 29 horses. For questions about donations contact equinerescue@tulalipbroadband.net or 360-658-5494.

• The Marysville Community Food Bank is in need of volunteers. One hour or two; some eeds are Thursday and Fridays, 8-11 a.m., strong backs to help unload trucks; Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, 8-11 a.m., drivers of vans or pick ups to go to local stores to pick up donations (mileage is reimbursed); Wednesday afternoon cleaning (mopping the floor, vacuuming), this could be a professional service paid for by a local church/business contribution or a couple people who have two hours of time and energy; finally, help with data entry on the computer. For information call Joyce at 360-658-1054.


• Purrfect Pals, a no-kill cat shelter based in Arlington, adopts out 2,000 cats each year. www.purrfectpals.org, email Kathy at reception@purrfectpals.org, or call her at 360-618-0417.

• Sarvey Wildlife Rescue needs volunteers over age 14 to help care for injured animals. www.sarveywildlife.org or call 360-435-4817.

• The Arlington-Smokey Point Chamber of Commerce, 360-659-5453, needs volunteers for office work, phones and special projects; the Visitor Information Center, 360-657-2326, needs volunteers for helping tourists with brochures, maps and directions; both are at 3710 168th Street NE Suite C-101, Arlington.

• Stillaguamish Senior Center needs volunteers for bingo on Tuesdays and Fridays and van drivers for special events and to deliver food for the food bank Mondays. Call Karen at 360-653-4551 ext. 228.