Whidbey Island Bank still tops

Bauer Financial in Coral Gables, Florida announced recently that Whidbey Island Bank, based in Oak Harbor earned its highest 5-Star Superior rating for financial strength and stability. Bauer Financial, the nation’s bank rating firm, has been analyzing and reporting on the nation’s banks for more than 25 years.

The rating is based on the overall financial picture of the bank. The 5-Star rating indicates that Whidbey Island Bank is one of the strongest banks in the nation. This is the 23rd consecutive quarter that Whidbey Island Bank has earned this highest honor.

“The number of 5-Star rated banks is diminishing,” said Karen L. Dorway,

president of Bauer Financial. “But that doesn’t mean they are extinct. Whidbey Island

Bank is an excellent example of traditional, conservative banking. In this new era of

‘back to basics’ thinking, this is exactly what you should be looking for in a bank.”

Whidbey Island Bank was established in 1961 and has been serving the banking needs

of its neighbors and friends for 48 years. It operates through 18 conveniently located

offices in five counties and can also be found on the internet at www.wibank.com.