Arlington Times, Marysville Globe continue efforts to keep you better informed

At the Marysville Globe and The Arlington Times we are continuing our efforts to improve our print editions and Web pages so they continue to provide the communities we serve with all the information they need to stay informed.

At the Marysville Globe and The Arlington Times we are continuing our efforts to improve our print editions and Web pages so they continue to provide the communities we serve with all the information they need to stay informed.

For instance, this week we started running an editorial cartoon which will take a light-hearted approach to local issues and regional issues with local impact. We are confident that editorial cartoonist Rik Dalvit will add to the community dialogue about important issues which affect us all.

We’ve also made some additions to our Web sites at and

This week, for example, we’ve added photo slideshows for a number of sporting events.

There’s photo slideshows of Arlington’s victory over Marysville-Pilchuck High School in girls soccer, of the Tommies’ victory over Snohomish in football and the Lakewood girls volleyball team at the Meridian Tournament. And we’ve added a video of Marysville’s 9/11 memorial ceremony.

In the very near future, we’ll also be adding an Elections ‘08 page to the Web sites to provide on-going coverage as the election heats up.

So check out the new Web sites at and I’m confident you’ll like what you find.

To contact a member of The Marysville Globe/Arlington Times editorial board — Stuart Chernis or Scott Frank — e-mail