Despite the dedication and hard work of a group of very committed volunteers, it appears, unfortunately, that the Arlington Library Bond which appeared on the Nov. 7 general election ballot has failed to get the required 60 percent supermajority needed to pass.
In a recent column I focused on the many ways Marysville citizens deal with PNW winters, like snuggling up to the fireplace, challenging the out-of-doors or fleeing southward. After building a case for toughing it out in the Northwests winters wonderland, my wife and I cashed in our Northwest Airlines flight-miles to fly south to join the escapists for eight days.
We live in an area blessed with many good things and a few IBPEs (Irregular But Predictable Emergencies). November is a good case in point.
I got two items of feedback on my last article, the one that probed into the complex mire of our Iraq involvement. Both questioned the middle part in which I tried to explore why simplistic notions of victory and defeat cant fit the situation.
Okay, elections over, back to the real world.
Its going to be interesting to see whether those Democrats who were so offended by the way King County beat Republican Dino Rossi out of election for governor will stand by their 2004 vows to atone for it the second time around.
Thousands of area children were able to enjoy themselves last weekend due to the efforts, generosity and support of the organizers, sponsors and volunteers who put on the annual Easter events in Arlington and Marysville.
by Don C. Brunell
Aside from a few high-achieving schools, WASL reading scores in Snohomish County need to improve. The percent of Marysvilles seventh graders that met or exceeded WASL standards were Marysville Middle School 49.5 percent, Cedarcrest 56.0 percent, and Tenth Street School 67.3 percent. Almost half of Marysvilles seventh graders reading comprehension and speed fall below a truly reasonable standard.
Do you think it was wise of you to jump all over the governor and the Legislature after they passed the I-747 replacement bill in the special session? I asked Tim Eyman. Isnt the bill a replica of your initiative?
Winter has settled in. Santa Claus continues making frequent appearances around town.
by Don C. Brunell
by Mark W. Hendrickson