Lakewood/Arlington Composite High School Mountain Bike Teams looking for riders

ARLINGTON — As Washington state enters its third year in the Washington Cycling League, area high schoolers are gearing up for mountain bike race season. Fourteen students from Arlington, Lakewood and Burlington participated on the Lakewood and Arlington Composite Mountain Bike Teams last year, with Lakewood riders placing eighth and Arlington Composite placing 10th out of 21 teams overall.

ARLINGTON — As Washington state enters its third year in the Washington Cycling League, area high schoolers are gearing up for mountain bike race season. Fourteen students from Arlington, Lakewood and Burlington participated on the Lakewood and Arlington Composite Mountain Bike Teams last year, with Lakewood riders placing eighth and Arlington Composite placing 10th out of 21 teams overall.

If you have a student who is interested in cross country mountain bike riding and racing, there will be an informational meeting at Hubb’s Pizza in Arlington on Nov. 5 at 6 p.m. For more information, email